FirstLine Therapy can help you regain health!
Illness is not a normal part of aging!
Did you know:
• Chronic diseases account for 78% of annual healthcare costs.1
• Chronic diseases also account for one-third of the years of potential life lost before age 65.1
• Most chronic diseases are caused by unhealthy lifestyle habits. For example, 91% of type 2 diabetes is caused by unhealthy habits and forms of behavior.2
• Chronic, disabling conditions cause major limitations in activity for more than one of every 10 Americans.1
• The prolonged course of illness and disability from chronic diseases results in extended pain and suffering and decreased quality of life.1
“Everyhumanbeingistheauthorofhisownhealthordisease.” —GautamaSiddhartha
You can changeyour health Doesn’t everybody want good health? High energy, mental clarity, full function,
and absence of disease well into old age. It’s yours for the taking!
What do you want?
More strength? More sex drive? More energy? Clearer thinking? More “good” days? Less stress? Better mood? Less pain? Better sleep quality? Better mobility? Greater control over health? More independence? More living!?
FirstLine Therapy (FLT) is a specialized therapeutic lifestyle change program unlike any other in that the FLT system targets the underlying causes of chronic illnesses by incorporating a sensible eating plan, exercise, nutritional supplementation, and stress management. In fact, the following key characteristics are unique to the FLT program:
FLT is not just a weight loss program
• Most programs are focused on weight while FLT is best used as a first line treatment for common, chronic health problems (e.g., high cholesterol, insulin resistance, unhealthy body composition).
The FLT eating plan is different • MostprogramsarefocusedonlowfatdietswhileFLTemphasizestheimportance
of a low-glycemic eating plan that is consistent with current research.
FLT incorporates medical foods and nutritional supplements
• The appropriate use of medical foods and supplements enhances program effectiveness and shortens the time it takes for you to achieve risk reduction goals.
FLT has been demonstrated to be effective in human clinical studies • Most programs lack clinical evidence of effectiveness.
Getting Started—A Matter of Fat
In order to measure your progress, you first need to know your current health status. A variety of health assessments may be performed, including a quick, non-invasive measurement of your body fat and lean muscle mass.
Excess body fat can greatly increase your health risks. But a higher ratio of muscle increases your metabolism and is associated with a lower incidence of illness. Improving your muscle-to-fat ratio is perhaps the most powerful tool in controlling the aging process and restoring vitality. And that’s what FirstLine Therapy is all about.
Extensive scientific research demonstrates that many of the chronic diseases associated with aging can be prevented or even treated by adopting a healthy lifestyle:
• Heart disease • High blood pressure • Stroke • Osteoarthritis
• Diabetes • High cholesterol • Metabolic syndrome • Osteoporosis
A therapeutic lifestyle change program is recommended by leading health organizations as a first-line treatment option for many of the conditions above, as well as:
• Stress-related disorders • Fatigue disorders • Polycystic ovary syndrome • Premenstrual syndrome
A “therapeutic lifestyle” means...
• Making choices every day that will enhance health and help prevent disease
• Adopting habits of living that may delay the onset of illness in old age
• Increasing your years of good health and full function • Enabling yourself to achieve a full, healthy life!
Your personal
FirstLine Therapy
program offers:
• Initial and follow-up testing
• Practitioner consultations
• Program guidebook • Solutions for staying
• Simple eating guidelines
• Progress tracking
• Lifestyle counseling
• Nutritional product recommendations
“A therapeutic lifestyle is the most powerful tool there is to
positively impact your health for life.”
1.The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Chronic Disease-Overview. Available at http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/overview.htm. Accessed February 19, 2007.
2. Hu FB, Manson JE, Stampfer MJ, et al. Diet, lifestyle, and the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus in women. N Engl J MedMed 2001;345(11):790-97
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