Infertility Helped Greatly with Chinese Herbs
Dr. Zhang opened up the conference with some basic statistics before presenting detailed cures for infertility. In a recent study of 500 women who were not treated with Chinese herbal medicines, regular sexual intercourse resulted in a 60-70% conception rate. At six months, women became pregnant at a rate of 75-80%. At one year, the rate increased to 80-90%. From age 30 to 34, one in seven women experience infertility. Between the ages of 35 and 40, one in five women are infertile and between the ages of 40 and 44, one in four women experience difficulties with infertility. In up to 55% of cases, infertility is caused by a female reproductive disharmony. In 25-40% of cases, infertility is caused solely by a male reproductive issue. Notably, in 20% of all cases, infertility is caused by both the male and female partners. Using Dr. Zhang’s and the famous Dr. Tai’s treatment regimes, Dr. Zhang demonstrated an incredibly high rate of clinical success in reversing infertility. Dr. Zhang noted that “infertility is a symptom, not a disease.”
Dr. Zhang presented Chinese medicine differential diagnostics in relation western medical findings. Basal body temperature (BBT) charts were revealed to express a process of emerging Yin Essence in the first 12 days of a menstrual cycle followed by a powerful Yang stage. A direct reading of the BBT chart translates into an exact Chinese medicine diagnosis. In addition, Dr. Zhang introduced methods for analyzing hormone tests. For example, high FSH is linked to Yin Deficiency and high LH is linked to Yang Deficiency. A multitude of ways to view BBT, ultrasound, sexual hormone tests, and other western related data were correlated into the Chinese medicine theoretical framework. Dr. Zhang closed the divide between western medical data and Chinese medicine differential diagnostics in her presentation. Acupuncturists can now read the western data, make a Chinese medicine diagnosis, and choose from the correct herbal medicines to promote conception and a healthy pregnancy.
Common conditions leading to infertility are Kidney Yin and Yang deficiency, Liver Qi Stagnation, and Blood Stasis. For women, the main concern is to harmonize the menstrual cycle. Dr. Zhang presented important herbal formulas to address many clinical scenarios and included special herbs to promote ovulation and nourish the fetus. Moreover, Dr. Zhang presented herbal remedies to prevent anti-sperm antibodies such as AsAb and other autoimmune system disorders from leading to infertility. Dr. Zhang also covered the topic of uterine fibroids, their exact relationship to infertility, and how to overcome any impediments they may present. This requires, at the very minimum, an ultrasound test of existing fibroids to determine their exact placement and size.
Dr. Zhang presented step-by-step methods to take an abnormal BBT charted cycle to one that follows a healthy pattern from follicular phase through ovulation to luteal phase and menstruation. The herbal medicines restore the normal ovulation window, optimize the fertility cycle, and enhance the process of a healthy pregnancy and fetus. Dr. Zhang detailed the exact herbs needed to promote egg maturation and those needed to facilitate uptake and transport of eggs into and through the fallopian tube. Further, she presented a detailed herbal medicine regime to optimize the window of opportunity for patients undergoing IVF and IUI. In cases where artificial insemination has previously failed, adding Chinese herbs balances the health of the patient such that artificial insemination becomes successful.
The American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ACTCM), located in San Francisco, CA, has a long history of presenting valuable information in the field of Chinese medicine in acupuncture continuing education courses. Without exception, Dr. Zhang has lived up to this reputation and has raised the bar on the efficaciousness of Chinese Medicine in the treatment of infertility. Adam White, L.Ac., President of the Healthcare Medicine Institute, notes that “Dr. Ting Ting Zhang has managed to fully integrate the western model for the treatment of primary and secondary infertility into the Chinese medicine system. We now have a fully integrated understanding of western medical test data in terms of Chinese medicine theory and we have a new understanding of herbs that promote the various stages of conception. Dr. Zhang and her colleagues at Shanghai University of TCM have employed western testing methods to measure the effects of herbal medicines on processes such as ovum development and release, fallopian tube function, and fetal development. Thanks to Dr. Zhang, the clinical efficacy of Chinese medicine in the treatment of infertility has advanced tremendously.”
Momsoon Infertility & I.V.F. and ICSI handle infertility cases and it offers individual case history. It undertakes advanced techniques like IVF & ICSI
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